Cass County Joint Water Resource District Board Meeting – October 24, 2024

October 24, 2024
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Watch or Attend a Meeting

a. Property Owner Negotiation / Discussion

b. Project Updates & General Topics
1. Litigation Action Update
2. Lands Status Report
3. OIN 837 Excess Lands Recommendation
4. OIN 2185 Excess Lands Recommendation
5. OIN 1080Y & OIN 1926 Excess Lands Recommendation
6. RIMP Update
7. Guidance Document for Mitigation of Impacted Private Structure Sites in the UMA

c. Appraisal Review
1. Christine Appraisal Reviews

d. Acquisition Review / Approval
1. OIN 1195X/1196X Field Approach
2. Executive Session Items

e. Land Agent Reports/Updates

f. Relocation and RHDP Reimbursement Review / Approval
1. OIN 9993 Relocation Claim
2. OIN 1893 Relocation Claim
3. OIN 9462 Relocation Claim
4. OIN 1093x Replacement Rental Claim
5. OIN 840 Replacement Rental Claim

g. Contracting Actions
1. Contracting Actions for CCJWRD

Attend This Meeting

This will be a virtual/conference call meeting. Members of the public may participate by Microsoft Teams or by telephone. Contact or 701-298-2381 for the Teams link or call-in number.

Recording of meeting will be posted shortly.