Joe Pihlaja (left), with Ames Construction, inspects a trunnion hub on one of the large gates that will control floodwater flow through the FM Area Diversion. (Photo from Metro Flood Diversion Authority)
Joe Pihlaja (left), with Ames Construction, inspects a trunnion hub on one of the large gates that will control floodwater flow through the FM Area Diversion. (Photo from Metro Flood Diversion Authority)
Jose Gonzalez (right), with Steward Machine Company in Bainbridge, Georgia, speaks with Duane Perkins (center), the lead structural engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Diversion Inlet Structure, during the visit to perform checks on gates that will be used in FM Area Diversion structures. (Photo from Metro Flood Diversion Authority)
A new sign shows the co-location of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority, Red River Valley Alliance, and ASN Constructors on Amber Valley Parkway in Fargo, North Dakota. (Image courtesy of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority)
A team inspects and checks the dimensions of a Tainter gate being manufactured for the FM Area Diversion. (Image courtesy of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority)
Steward Machine Company Plant 3 is shown in Bainbridge, Georgia, where the company in manufacturing Tainter gates for the FM Area Diversion. (Image courtesy of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority)
Joe Pihlaja with Ames Construction notes measurements during a Tainter gate inspection at Steward Machine Company in Bainbridge, Georgia. (Image courtesy of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority)
A team inspects and checks the dimensions of a Tainter gate being manufactured for the FM Area Diversion. (Image courtesy of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority)