Land Management Committee

The Land Management Committee oversees land and property rights acquisition as well as management of parcels.

Jake Gust's headshot

Jake Gust

Cass County Joint Water Resource District Email Jake
Michelle Turnberg's headshot

Michelle Turnberg

Fargo City Commissioner
Bob Zimmerman's headshot

Bob Zimmerman

City of Moorhead Engineer Email Bob
Jenny Mongeau's headshot

Jenny Mongeau

Clay County Commissioner Email Jenny
Nathan Boerboom's headshot

Nathan Boerboom

City of Fargo Engineer 701-241-1310
Matt Stamness's headshot

Matt Stamness

Assistant Engineer, Cass County
Brenda Derrig's headshot

Brenda Derrig

City of Fargo Assistant City Administrator
Kevin Campbell's headshot

Kevin Campbell

Clay County Commissioner & Board Vice Chairman & Land Management Committee Vice Chairman 701-318-0030
Duane Breitling's headshot

Duane Breitling

Cass County Commissioner & Land Management Committee Chairman
Tim Flakoll's headshot

Tim Flakoll

Cass County Commissioner